Diamond Sponsors ($4,000):
- 6 tickets to the event
- VIP champagne table
- Continuous corporate logo display throughout the event
- Emcee recognition during Live Auction
- Enhanced logo display in Intercontinental lobby
- Tax deductible amount is $3,100
Platinum Sponsors ($2,000):
- 4 tickets to the event
- Corporate logo display throughout the event
- Logo display in Intercontinental lobby
- Tax deductible amount is $1,400
Event tickets NOT included in these opportunities:
Valet Sponsor ($3,000): Exclusive sponsor, only one available. Includes your company logo on validation tickets for valet service. This Sponsorship is SOLD.
Bar Sponsor ($3,000): Exclusive sponsor, only one available. Includes your company logo on display at the main bar in the ballroom. This Sponsorship is SOLD.
After Party Sponsor (Two) ($2,500): Only one remains available. The Lion's Mane Event ends at 10pm, but the after party continues in the Intercontinental foyer until 11pm. The after party is open to all guests who don't want the night to end. The foyer bar will be open and out come some fun finger foods and appetizers.